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V M Patel College  of Management Studies  has latest configured hardware and devices. The laboratories are well equipped in the specialized areas. The laboratories are enriched with all state of art equipments and licensed software to fulfill the needs of UG & PG students as well as R&D and consultancy works. Our Technical staff is well qualified and able to support day to day need of IT infrastructure and services. There are 40 + computer systems connected in LAN. The laboratories are as follows:

Sr No Software Objective Benefits Facility


To Provide a Live demonstration of the Share Market for implementing their learned strategies during finance studies

Practical exposure to the Live share market for transactions

Profit and Loss with different strategy implementation in dynamic share market.

At: Computer Lab

Installation of 30 PC License


ACE Equity Database

To Provide wide range of Database of Companies for study

Students can create different projects based on a database for their Analytical study  

At: Computer Lab

Installation of 30 PC License



To provide Language Lab Support

Students can practice Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing in different languages.

Skill upgradation

450+ License for students (Mobile/PC) 

All First-year students,

Students in Second and Third years should do

Request to issue of License.


Tally Education

To provide exposure to Computer Accounting

Students can practice entering accounting entries and their sequential effects in books of account.

Exposure to performing the job of an accountant with software

At: Computer Lab

Installation:30 PC: Education Tally software



To support the Researcher in Literature Review

Provide valuable research papers for users without any additional cost.

At: Computer Lab

Any Internet base PC at Lab/Library.



To check Plagiarism in file

It supports students to check the percentage of Plagiarism in the file/ assignment prepared. Moreover, It shows of Plagiarism. 

License for Faculty, to check and help students to guide students about Plagiarism. 

